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February 16th Full Moon


Fear is our greatest detractor, and the ego uses that energy in motion to keep us in a belief system of lack or less than. The Ego cannot reside outside of the 3rd-4th dimension and so it will stop at nothing to keep you from overcoming whatever it is you fear. Your Soul is an Omni aspect of Source/God, it travels through the dimensions creating experiences; having faith that you are stronger than your fears enables you to embody more of your natural Soul-self. For me, the inner-critic says things like who do you think you are claiming to be a divine being in service to the Source of all that is by channeling the stars and planets; you're not worthy. The truth is I am just like every other Soul incarnated on this planet; I am worthy of being and doing what I believe is my birthright and soul purpose in the hopes that I am or will be happy doing it while being of service to self and others.

The February Full Moon at 28° of Leo is forming a Grand Square Cross with the South Node Rx in Scorpio, the Sun conjunct Urania in Aquarius and Sedna conjunct the North Node Rx in Taurus. Having Urania conjunct, the Sun in Aquarius during this Full Moon is enabling us the capacity to see, feel and tap into greater universal prophetic wisdom; her divine 5th dimensional energy guides our intuition towards inner self discovery. Matter takes up space and having the free-will awareness of where you operator out of, your head-space or heart-space, will determine the collective atmosphere you find yourself in. By allowing these sparks of self enlightenment to organically dissolve any and all limiting beliefs we fearfully have about ourselves, we grant ourselves the potential to ignite the passion of the crystalline consciousness that is our universal life force energy. We were born equipped; we are each a universe unto our selves and have all the tools to manifest the timelines we desire. Since energy can only be transmuted and not destroyed, darkness or negative energy is surfacing to be expunged. Others play the role in showing it to you, sometimes it is yours and sometimes it is because you were chosen to handle it for the collective. The more you judge and condemn it, the more you are fueling the hate, fear, ego. Nurture the non-physical senses you have submerged and let them guide you step by step in becoming the embodiment of your Christ self.

Everything is part of something, nature exists systemically from the quark to Laniakea. Within Gaia's ecosystem many civilizations of mankind have fallen; well-being within self manifests as balanced Mind, Body and Soul and wholeness without. Gaia was innately a 5th dimensional planet is in the process if returning to that state of being. Haumea Rx at 29° of Libra, the Galactic Center in Sagittarius and Pluto conjunct Union in Capricorn are aiding us energetically in not only redefining how we manifest our individual reality and exist within our collective environment but how we vibrationally relate and are interconnected with all of life from the non-physical micro to physical collective macro. Pluto in Capricorn in the Age of Aquarius, is breakdown all that is or was created from lower frequency space so that we can re-program and rebuild ourselves to thrive in the unified field of 5th dimensional space. I natally have Venus and asteroid Carmen in Capricorn, with Pluto transiting Capricorn I have died to self so many times, detaching and releasing all that no longer serves the conscious ascension and integration of my soul; the course work is not easy but if you're reading this, it is why your here in human form. This is happening to each of us individually as well as collectively; the education system, financial system, political system, health care system, Justice system; all man made and in the global stages of a face lift; it starts with our internal belief system, what we are investing in and voting for. Haumea Rx is helping us to reflect and rebirth or bring forth in a balanced way the higher divine feminine and masculine frequencies, the relationships with our Higher-Self, our Spirit Guides, Source.

Reality isn’t fixed, there is not only one way. Infrared frequencies cannot exist in ultraviolet space and vice versa; no one can exist in the space of love and fear in the same moment. With every breath we take we have the freedom to decide which frequency vibration we want to align with; if your breathing, no one can take that God given free-will birthright anyway from you. Thoughts, perceptions, perspectives, beliefs become things and Saturn at 17 degrees of Aquarius is trine Black Moon Lilith at 16 degrees of Gemini square Anubis at 17 of Virgo Trine Venus conjunct Mars at 16 degrees of Capricorn is revealing to us where we're still tripping over ourselves by the chattering of the ego's narrative. In Canada, we are seeing it being reflected on a mass consciousness scale; Prime Minister Trudeau and the Liberal party, Mainstream Media, Justice enforcers are showing their true frequency colors; they see control and power over others as their only option. The ego will stop at nothing to keep us tethered to the 3rd dimension where the illusion of fear reigns supreme; separation tools include the inner egoic voice which can create Self-doubt, Self-esteem issues where we begin to become self-sabotaging. We are socially conditioned not to be selfish yet the suffix –ish means “to belong”, we all belong to the self and not to others; be selfish, not to the point of being narcissistic. Old wounds linger as parts of ourselves, if we don't want to see, feel or acknowledge them, the memories make us feel uneasy, self-conscious or resentful. What we experience is triggering the fear, communicating to you that the belief you identify with needs to be readdressed so you can realign yourself with who you want really to be and where you want to go in life. The fear is in the process of letting the emotional attachments go; it surfaces to be faced not because it is who you are. Mars conjunct Venus in Capricorn is encouraging us to take the essential actions that will capability aligns us with all that will bring us to a space of harmony. Love reigns supreme, it is not logical, nor can it be intellectualized; unconditional love is a Source/God frequency that can only be felt and expressed by the Heart.

Breaking free from this paradigm isn't as easy as it sounds, getting out of our headspace takes focus, determination and the awareness that it is a 24/7, 365 days a year full-time commitment. For me it comes out of nowhere, one minute I’m am in the zone, on top of the world channeling my guides and the next I'm in a valley climbing my way out of a trench of insecurity. Energy doesn't judge, it follows the path of least resistance and becomes; we're the ones with free will the onus is on us to use energy as a creative tool in bring all that we envision into formation. In order to be able to successfully transform your environment you need to notice the feelings, the behavior and find a strategy that works for getting you out of the old rhythm, repetition is key. Spiritual tools such as meditating, gratitude lists and affirmations help reprogram what you access and take away from the mind; the mind is Omni and supplies the required information depending on the vibrational space you are holding. Limiting the amount of outside lower frequency influence from others helps; for me, the ego takes any news or gossip to my 3rd chakra and replays it non-stop in the hopes that I will think or process it; anything to keep me out of my heart space. From the heart, our Higher-Self, Soul, guides, Source supply or led us to all that we need in order to manifest all that serves our highest best. What we are doing is ascending our consciousness to that which we already divinely exists as; recognizing and claiming it as our being with which breath shifts us out of operating with instability and into a position of peaceful inner knowing.

All the Best


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