The New Moon at 26 degrees is conjunct Juno and Atlantis in Gemini opposite the Galactic Center in Sagittarius. This New Moon carries with it an amazing opportunity to intentionally take yourself to the level because of the Divine Feminine Merkaba empowering us to bring more of our Soul/God Self into all that we can be. Driving us to make the change are 4 oppositions involving 8 signs, a T-square and a Grand Cross Square. The Suns Light is getting stronger and more intemeaningnse that the breaks in between are getting shorter and all there is the Light of God. The electromagnetic light spectrum, the rainbow, is the buffet from which we create; each colour represents a frequency from which certain things or experiences will manifest and the universe is holding space for us to consciously recognize, focus and broadcast in thought, word and deed from a higher perspective of our SELF that already exists there.
The Grand Cross Square of the New Moon, Juno and Atlantis in Gemini, Ceres in Virgo, the Galactic Center in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces contains 2 of the 4 oppositions. The rainbow cannot exist without polarity or balance and this square is asking us to see beyond the way things are and to go within and feel for the organic omni partnership that once was the norm during Atlantis, no middleman needed. Jesus said many times, the Father through me; Jesus didn’t seek wisdom or answers from without, he honored and subscribed to a heavenly script from within. During this New Moon we have an expansive ability to bring ourselves further out of the illusion that we are only human by bringing ourselves into the awareness that Mind, Body, Soul well-being comes systematically from a harmonic relationship with Source/God and not from Manmade institutions. Your Soul is creative and desires to be a creator; by making the space to envision, feel, know more about the vast non-physical aspects of yourself, you become the greater understanding of who you are.
DNA in Cancer opposite Pluto Rx in Capricorn with Haumea Rx at the Apex makes up the T-Square. In order to be the change, you want to see, you must change the relationship you have with your inner self. All of nature expresses that which exists within, including humanity; Mankind has put programming into place that dictates we should fit in to some kind of social conditioning, but the lack of Soul relatability seems to have manifested Mental and Physical illness. By feeling for what brings you heart-felt Love and Joy, you send etheric higher frequency signals to your Higher-Self, Soul, Guides, Universe, God which they in turn divinely and justifiability return to you through you, which then becomes the new version of you in form. Most of us are still in the process of doing this when our back is against the wall, and we have no choice but to surrender; fear not, it's all good, Spirit knows the stakes of this game and love us unconditionally for using our freewill in getting our ass into the ring.
A Merkaba is two Grand Trines of the same polarity, in this New Moon moment it is the feminine signs. The Grand Earth Trine includes Vesta at 28 degrees of Taurus, Ceres at 29 degrees of Virgo and Pluto Rx at 29 degrees of Capricorn. The Grand Water Trine has Urania conjunct DNA at 26/28 degrees of Cancer, Hermes Rx at 28 degrees of Scorpio and Neptune at 27 degrees of Pisces. There are 6 trines and 3 oppositions that unite the 6 Feminine signs (not including the Quincunxes, Sextiles or Semi’s), where squares and oppositions carries tense energies seeking balance, trines carry favorable energies that influence positively in your life. Whatever themes or experiences you feel as “negative or pressuring” are showing up to be transmuted from fear to love, its not the surface circumstances that only need to be addressed but the energies that you aligned with that got you there. Gemini New Moon opposite the Galactic Center trine Haumea Rx in Libra is God/Universes way of saying now is the moment to Listen, Know and BE more of the real self you hide away. As the archetypal energies of the Age of Aquarius take center stage, the Light of God is ensuring our divine birthright of Free-will is coming to the fore front in every experience. Humanity's DNA is being restored back to its original formulation as we will allow ourselves the space to observe and release the lower frequencies that held us back from feeling and being one with our Galactic Selves. Energy cannot be destroyed, and neither can our Soul, within this now moment all exists in every dimension; you have access to BE all that your Soul is while in Human form. You can relate, connect and bring forth with aspects of your SELF that are Atlantean, Arcturian, Sirian, Pleiadian, Andromedan, Dragon, Fairy, Witchy etc … you are one with the force of GOD and are a sovereign Creator as a part of that relationship.
Where Mankind seeks to control us from without, our Soul/God yearns to heal us from within. This New Moon Divine Feminine Merkaba is speaking to each of us in unique ways which will awaken us to the freedom our Soul seeks through our High Hearts desire. The Omni force of God’s Love has always naturally made the world go around and now is the time for us to choose and anchor in that empowering nature of love, doing so aligns and strengthens the bond we have with Mother God, Mother Earth Gaia and pretty much all feminine energy. Polarity exists within this universe and where Mankind chooses to operate from systemically exist to serve the lower frequencies, Humanity has the ability to operate out of the higher frequencies that serve Source God. You cannot serve two Masters at the same time, your Free-will energetically creates the life you live.
All the Best
Channeled from the Federation of Conscious Galactic's