By the Dictionary definition Consciousness is the state, condition, or quality when your awake and able to understand what is happening around you. For one to truly comprehend the truth of that definition, one must be aware of what it means to be awake. Awake to what exactly and what about being conscious of what’s going on within you as well as around you? The fact is without the Light of the Sun nothing would exist in our Solar System, the heat, and Light Energy from the Sun impresses upon and stirs elementary particles into chemical interactions that physically express the energetic frequency vibration that created it. Another fact is that most of this happens beyond our current visual capability; it is from the no-thing that all things become something; just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. There are many non-physical things that exist such as the air you breathe into your body, your faith, your belief system, your perceptions etc.; all of those things come from within you and create the reality you experience personally and collectively. Fundamentally the state of your being is energetic in nature, the condition and the quality of your life depends on your frequency whether you are conscious of that fact or not. Being Human means, you temporarily have a physical body with mental thoughts, and sensory feelings that can change from moment to moment, but you are not them; our Soul exists ethereally, created from the very non-physical Source that said, “Let there be Light”. It is the Electromagnetic Spectrum of Light aka the Suns rays that contains the buffet of frequencies we have free-will in embodying; with the fusion of the Age of Aquarius and the Sun’s current Solar Cycle 25, the Light is leading the charge to ignite what truly exists: the Light of your Soul. Enlightening ourselves or awaking to the truth of how we innately energetically exist empowers us to be free of the middle Man-kind that seeks to have power over us by conditioning/programming/educating us into the logical reasoning that “I think therefore I AM” and “seeing is believing”. You are a Being of Light; your Soul took on Human form within Mother Earths Eco-system/Matrix to aid in the transmuting of lower frequency or victim consciousness fear energy and the only way to do that is to consciously choose love for Self, Others, the Planet, God etc. rather than fear, money, or power over others during your moment to moment lives. Everything happens for reason; from the linear perspective it’s not going to be logical that something like a water leak is showing/reflecting to you that your energy in motion/emotions need tending to. The archetypal energies of the elements Fire, Earth, Air along with the Water molecule don’t cease to express the nature of how or why they exist just because they have come together en masse in the form of a truck or fridge or workspace or another Being etc.; the environment of your reality is in service to your eternal Soul and the ascension of your consciousness. We are not a victim to our experiences, they are brought forth by our Soul, to remind and teach us that Love is the only way.
Astrology explains the energy going on behind the scenes and as such is a resource guide to aid you in understanding and navigating the energies that are at play, it is not for us to judge the conductor, you came to orchestrate yourself in such a way that you express to thine own Self be true. With the Suns broadcast getting stronger and more intense, in 2024, being aware of the frequency you keep from moment to moment will be essential as it determines the timeline realities you experience.
The Sun is the heart of our planetary system; without it as the operator, the planets would not retain their orbits, nor would we have life on this planet. It is the archetype of the independent leader doing so with inner strength, confidence, authority and will power. The source of the Suns primordial force is immeasurable, it exists as a star receiving, generating, and radiating light that gives/expresses the potential for vitality effortlessly through its natural beingness.
2024 is an 8-year consisting of the 2, 4 and 8 vibrational energies.
Keywords for the vibrations of the number 2 are Co-operation, Partnership, and Relationship.
Keywords for the vibrations of the number 4 are Foundation, Grounding and Stability.
Keywords for the vibrations of the number 8 are Infinity, Cycles, and the Empowerment of your Soul.
2024 kicks off the year with the Sun at 10 degrees of Capricorn, conjunct asteroid Anubis, square to asteroid Makemake in Libra and trine to the Moon in Virgo. These alignments are gracing us with an opportunity to gain further insight into the relationship we have with our self so we can get a stronger sense of how to harmonize our energy in motion.
2024 First Quarter Solar Highlights
10th – Sun in Capricorn Trine Uranus Retrograde in Taurus: This is an amazing moment to liberate yourself by going within to see your Soul’s potential for you in this lifetime.
11th – New Moon in Capricorn in a T-Square to the Nodes: If you can dream it, you can manifest it. Intend to believe in yourself.
16th – Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces: Strengthening your resolve to see past the illusion that you are anything but Divine.
20th - Sun moves into Aquarius conjunct Pluto: Pluto is a decomposer, in Aquarius conjunct the Sun, it is going to spotlight and breakdown the frequency vibrations and timelines that are not serving the conscious enlightenment your Soul came to attain. If your state of being or consciousness is in victim mode, Pluto in Aquarius is going to give you a mental breakdown. If you state of being or consciousness is high enough you will know and understand why you are empowering yourself to go with the visionary flow.
25th – Full Moon in Leo: This Full moon is in a T-square with Jupiter in Taurus; your Soul serves the Light of God and one way, or another the mold Mankind is conditioning you to fit into is going to burst. You have free-will, you can combust under the pressure or sow the steps that will bring you closer to Sovereignty.
27th - Sun square Jupiter: If your being to headstrong and have been avoiding the signs, this alignment is going to feel like a giant whirlwind for you. If you riding high this is an excellent moment to envision and root a greater sense of your Soul Self.
8th- Sun in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus: This a great day to free your mind and allow your Soul to show you the unexpected of what can be, better yet, go for gold and let yourself be crazy enough to try something you have been thinking would make you happy.
9th – New Moon in Aquarius: There are too many aspects to the New Moon to list right now; stay tuned for more but for now set the intention to let the power of Love consume you.
10th – Happy Chinese Year – It is the Year of the Dragon, specifically the Wood Dragon and will bring authority, prosperity, and good fortune.
18th – Sun enters Pisces: As the Sun enters Pisces it will be in opposition to retrograde Hekate in Virgo; this is a divine moment to feel the magic of the Divine Feminine within you and to let it be a force that harmonizes your well-being.
24th – Full Moon in Virgo: During this Full Moon, the Sun will be conjunct Saturn and Mercury. In the lower frequencies any negative Self-talk or sabotage is going to energetically rise up and bite you in the ass so you can see the error of your ways. In the higher frequencies you will feel more of your Soul abilities as well as where you can practically fine tune them.
28th – Sun conjunct Mercury and Saturn: The Moon is no longer in opposition so you may feel it less, however if your Soul came to ascend in consciousness this may feel like your still in the Full Moon energies.
1st – Sun in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus: The Sun is still conjunct Mercury and Saturn however Jupiter opposite the Moon in Scorpio have joined in. This a fantastic “foreplay” moment to get a feeling of the you, you want to be and birth forth as spring approaches. Whatever needs dissolving is going to be broadcast to you as well as the awesome Soul gifts eager to be embodied.
9th – Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus: This is a good day to meditate and gain insight on how to productively be more sovereign
10th – New Moon in Pisces: The New Moon in Pisces is opposite to Black Moon Lilith in Virgo. You are a Divine Being of Light, to be all that you can be, you must feel for and embrace the wholeness of your innate and divinely powerful self.
17th – Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces and in a T-square to the Galactic Center in Sagittarius and the Moon conjunct Vesta in Gemini: This is a level up moment; no matter where you are on the path to enlightenment, you can lose more of your linear self to open and choose a heart for Self so you can express more of your Galactic Self.
19th – Spring Equinox the Sun enters Aries: Have a heart for Self and be open to activating the innate relationship you have with the Light of God; you gain wisdom by noticing the light communicating to you via repeating synchronicities, themes, and patterns. You are the avatar of your Soul are playing out the energies in motion, but you are not them; ultimately it comes down to your course of action, the Light of God is given freely, and it is yours to uses freely. We experience the energy of what we consume and emit Mentally, Physically, Spiritually and Emotionally; the empowering nature of the light resides in the consciously interacting with the higher frequencies that organically enable us to internally see, feel, know how to create beyond the 5 physical senses. By empowering yourself in recognizing, listening, and acting on the faith of your Higher Soul Self you entitle your Self to the full gift and abilities of your Soul.
All the Best