The New Moon at 28 degrees of Taurus in conjunct Sedna and in aspect to Mars at 29 degrees of Cancer, Black Moon Lilith at 26 degrees of Leo, Haumea Rx at 29 degrees of Libra, Anubis Rx at 28 degrees of Scorpio, the Galactic Center at 27 degrees of Sagittarius, Pluto Rx at 0 degrees of Aquarius, Neptune at 27 degrees of Pisces and Jupiter at 0 degrees of Aries.
The first New Moon after the initial half of the 2023 Eclipse season is packing a punch to say the least; astrologically speaking there is a Grand Water Trine with a kite, a Yod, a Boomerang which is a Yod with an opposition and a Grand Square Cross which is composed of two T-Square’s. Plus, there is Mercury fresh out of retrograde sextile Venus in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces.
The Grand Water Trine of Mars, Anubis Rx and Neptune is nurturing us to take the heart centered actions that will break us free from the primal binds that have kept us tether to the illusions that physical form is the end all be all. God is the Source of the forces of nature which exist ethereally at the quantum and atomic level, becoming physical through a transformative process. The kite is created by the Sun, Moon and Sedna in Taurus sextile to Mars and Neptune which is seeding into our awareness the higher frequency codes being broadcast from the higher dimensions that our Higher-Self feels we are ready to manifest. In order to circulate love and be the way shower, we must first be a resource for that ourself.
The YOD is being formed by the New Moon, Mars and the Galactic Center and is aiding us to set the intentional space in making love the priority in all your thoughts, words and deeds; and thanks to Sedna conjunct the New Moon, from a place of spiritual wisdom. Perspective is everything and acting with the Soulful eyes and ears of unconditional love sets the stage of your life for what will unfold and take effect and during this New Moon we are being given a galactic upgrade in terms of our will being done on Earth as it is in Heaven. From your Souls perspective you are an aspect of God in form, your worth and valued are beyond measure; the resources you have access to are infinite, to embody them you must have the faith to seed them into your consciousness and believe enough in the dream that you can achieve it.
The Boomerang has a YOD with Haumea Rx, The Galactic Center and The New Moon conjunct Sedna in opposition to Anubis Rx. You are the avatar of your Soul, your Soul is one with Source God and suffers not, the whole point of lowering ourselves into this realm is to consciously bring ourselves back into that divine union. It starts with you empowering yourself, generating from within so it will be without; physicality is the effect of the frequencies which you willing (subconscious is a form of consciousness) believe and align within yourself. In any and every moment, no the matter the space, the relationship you have with your Spirit Family of Higher-Self, Guides, Source and other Light Beings is ready to be received and experienced. This Boomerang pattern is reminding us that nothing is set in stone, as Jesus said, “My fathers house has many rooms” and what do all rooms have in common, they hold space for certain things to transpire. For example, Dining room, living room and bedroom is the space where you eat, entertainment and sleep; Workspace, Cyberspace, Headspace is the space where you work, connect and process. This New Moon is allowing you to formulate from a Heart centered space, deep within the spaciousness of the vessel that houses your Soul, what you feel needs to put into formation in order to manifest the best version that yourself can be.
The Grand Square Cross between Jupiter, Mars, Haumea Rx and Pluto Rx is expanding or putting pressure everything we experience within our existence so that we can gain greater understanding and awareness of the labels we carry and identify with. Socrates said, “Know thyself” and the essence of yourself is the non-physical Love of God; How do you know yourself as Love and in what ways are you the embodiment of that Lovely relationship? Everything we actively do involves energy; as free-will Souls of the Creator, we physically experience our (sub) conscious state of being. How are you leading or liberating yourself from the frequencies that tempt you away from the Light of Source/God/Higher Power? During this New Moon as we surrender the old traditional ways of thinking and doing in favor of intentionally being present to the light, we have opportunity to activate and rebirth divine aspects of our Soul-selves.

Mercury at 6 degrees of Taurus is now direct and sextile to Venus conjunct Urania at 12 degrees of Cancer and Saturn at 6 degrees of Pisces. Mercury is all about communication and in Taurus the way you think and speak to as well as about yourself is will take root as your vibe, be expressed through you and reflected to you as your environment reality. Venus with Urania in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces can be pure bliss if we are willing to open ourselves up to the vulnerability of acknowledging the feelings of where, when, how, why and whom we need to put up boundaries with and/or forgive; starting with ourself. Love is empowering and has the ability to conquer and reprogram past mindset; where there is a willingness there is always a way.
All the Best