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The truth of you


In a sense, one might think another New Moon in Aries is no biggie deal, but it is. 2023 is a 7 year, each number flows into the other and the 7 represents the part of the path where we walk it out; it being our service call as in “though I WALK through the shadow of death/doubt …”. Numerically speaking 5 is where we made the necessary changes, 6 is where we seek harmonic well-being and 8 is about our infinite Soul. With this being a 7 year, the first New Moon in Aries at 0 degrees right after the Spring Equinox followed by this New Moon being in Aries at 29 degrees and a Total Annular Solar Eclipse says a lot about staying true to the nature of your existence and how/who you identify and label our self as. We may have taken on the design of a humanoid but the essence of who we are is NOT Human, ashes to ashes the form dissipates and what you leave with is what you came with; your Soul. My ass may look like a human, but my Soul is Divine, and I AM the light of my Soul. Your Soul is an aspect of the Source of God, if you believe you have a Soul, How does it exist? It can’t exist outside of you only through you; it has inherent Divine abilities as Jesus proclaim when he stated, “whoever believes in me will also do the works that I am doing and will do even greater things than these”. With the Source of all this is anything is possible however believing you are only a human leaping forward with Mankind all that is guaranteed is Death and Taxes. All this is manifest in the physical universe comes from the quantum realm; faith in the unseen is a vital as Frequencies, Air, Love, Beliefs, Thoughts, Thinking etc. all non-physical in nature. Speaking of the quantum and Man, God said “Let Us make man in our image, after our likeness …” First let's notice the “our”, How can God be a single He when it is referencing itself as an our not my? Second, the word “image” represents the photon/photonic light that the electron emits, also known as light quantum energy packets of electromagnetic radiation; the force depends on the frequency wavelength. The “likeness” refers to the state of their being which is frequency, resonance, quantum, non-physically based; what God is alluding to is the fact that the Hue-man is an expression of that which frequently energetically influences it.

The 29th degree known as the Anaretic degree; Anarch means leader or advocate. The Milk way Galaxy exists unto itself; the Sun leads itself around it, Mother Earth advocates for the Light of God by giving life to it. In Aries, this energy is provoking us so that we may become aware of what we claim as our “I am” and where we are leading our self. The Sun and Moon are not alone, going backwards they are conjunct Jupiter at 23˚ and Eris at 24˚ of Aries as well as in aspect to Atlantis at 25˚ and Sedna at 29˚ of Taurus, Urania at 29˚ of Gemini, Pallas Athena at 25˚ of Cancer, Ceres Rx at 24˚ of Virgo, the Galactic Center at 27˚ of Sagittarius, Hawaii at 25˚ and Neptune at 26˚ of Pisces. The energies dancing around are empowering us to birth forth higher version of our Soul Self from within by intuitively following our gut instinct or inner guidance. During the first Aries New Moon Union, Vesta, Mercury where all in Aries and are all now in physical Taurus forming roots so in a sense this is a second change to productively produce the path you desire to be, claim, identify with. The T-square taking place with the Galactic Center opposite Urania both square to Hawaii and Neptune is providing us with an opportunity to awakening ourselves further from the illusionary state of separation that we have been led to believe. Light holds infinite information, and we are Light beings connected to all that is, by holding intentional space we allow the greater part of our Soul to communicate all that will help us navigate during our sojourn.

Going forward The New Moon is in aspect to Union at 0˚ conjunct Vesta at 2˚ and the North Node Rx at 4˚ Taurus, the Vertex at 1˚ Leo, Black Moon Lilith at 0˚ Virgo, Haumea Rx at 0˚ and the South Node Rx at 4˚ Scorpio, Anubis Rx at 4˚ Sagittarius, Ixion Rx at 4˚ Capricorn, Pluto at 0˚ conjunct the Anti-Vertex at 1˚ Aquarius and Saturn at 4˚ Pisces. The grand square cross taking place in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius is emphasizing that the only thing constant is our lives is change; it is the nature of life to ebb and flow. It takes courage to see things from a different perspective or go against the way everyone else says is the normal way. Nobody can dictate how you feel about yourself or an experience, you were born to be unique and letting that light shine through you as you makes you a star in Gods eye. The Earth trines to Black Moon Lilith and Ixion Rx are practically nurturing us to be as honest and loving as we can with ourselves, it is only from that heart space that we be our authentic self. With Saturn trine the South Node Rx we can internally perceive and receive the full diversity of the energy in motion being circulated beyond the physical senses in service to our higher Soul truth as well as what is surfacing to be released all while being able to maintain and/or dissolve boundaries when we feel the need to.

All the Best


I am the Light of my Soul

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Apr 23, 2023

You are so fabulous at articulating what I feel and am “knowing”. Much love and gratitude to you Carmen 🐬🌈💜♾🙏


Beth Lewter
Beth Lewter
Apr 20, 2023

"Hue-man" - love that!

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