This years Lions Gate is forming a Grand Cross Square, as well as other aspect patterns, thanks to Uranus opposite the South Node Rx. Chiron Rx is at 16° Aries, Uranus conjunct the North Node Rx is at 18° Taurus, Pallas is at 16° Gemini, Sirius at 14° Cancer, the Sun is at 16° Leo, the South Node Rx is at 18° Scorpio and Gaia is at 16° Aquarius.
Our Sun has been galvanized by the Sirius Star and is now directing those heated encoded light waves towards Gaia. The light of solar cycle 25 is rising and expanding, so all that was hidden in the dark is surfacing to be witness, acknowledge and transmuted consciously using the wisdom that comes from said light. The Sun-Chiron Rx fire trine is gracing us with insightful guidance as we will allow our self to be taught the healing temperament of our high heart so we may teach others how to master that ability. The Pallas-Gaia air trine is granting us with the capacity to recognize how the spirit of source speaks to us intuitively through the relationship with Mother Earth. Gaia like all other beings is an aspect of Source and she magnificently and abundantly manifests the electromagnetic spectrum of light into a diversity of forms. She is the creator of kingdoms such as the plant or animal and she holds the elemental space for us to play out certain patterns or themes. As we can, in each moment, realize the frequency of our mental operating system and objectively choose to ponder and relay the higher frequency information; we are being blessed with higher dimensional visionary thoughts and concepts that will massively empower us and Gaia to easily flow into more harmonic timelines.
The reality is everything is energy regardless of its state of matter, as a matter of fact you are a Light Being. The universe is in a process of change and that includes our Galaxy, Solar system and Planet. Uranus conjunct the North Node Rx at 18° Taurus, the Sun at 16° Leo, the South Node Rx at 18° Scorpio and Gaia at 16° Aquarius are all at 90 degrees apart; from the Souls perspective the energies at play here are helping you to be more flexible in terms of the perimeters you have established for your self. We have all been trained/programmed to get on the “normal” or “mainstream” world dogmatic view bandwagon; those old ways that you're set in only lead to unhappiness or disappointment as their intention is based on the lower frequencies of power over others. We are all dissolving and healing karmic Soul patterns, how they play out is unique to each of us however we are not without tools, we all come equipped with spiritual abilities that skillfully helps us as we navigate through the ascension process. The elemental Masculine energies of Fire and Air are doing their part by charging the space with the necessary data to ignite your passions as you leading yourself into the promised land based on faith, trust, commitment and devotion. The divine Feminine energies of Earth and Water intermingle the info and format it without judgement; everything serves, the good, the bad and the ugly all share the same stage. The squares and oppositions of the Grand Cross may have you feeling your life is topsy-turvy, that is a good sign, it is showing you the load-bearing walls each where rooted and built by controlling nature of fear are ready to deconstruction so you can allow unconditional love of your Soul-self to support you with the steps that will help you strengthen the energetic relationship with you innately have with Mother Earth, Source God. Your heart feels, senses and knows that with and through love anything is possible, and your dreams can come to fruition; you have free-will; just because a thought pops up it doesn’t mean you have to believe you have to attach yourself to it. As you nurture the path your thought-forms take, you gain a greater understanding of not only how empathic you are to all that is, but also how akin; you have never been alone.

The Sun at 16° of Leo is in opposition to Saturn Rx at 22° of Aquarius, heightening the waves vibrations being made in the later degrees; Gaea at 22° Aries, Mars, Urania, Sedna at 23-29° Taurus, DNA at 25° Gemini, Venus at 26° Cancer, Conscience conjunct Anubis at 28° Virgo, Haumea at 28°, Atlantis at 21° and the Galactic Center at 27° Sagittarius, Pluto Rx and Hawaii Rx at 26-28° Capricorn, Union Rx and Saturn Rx at 20-22° Aquarius, Juno Rx, Hermes Rx and Neptune Rx at 20-25° Pisces are impressing their energies, enlightening us to have endurance and be a disciple of our soul, living with self authority as a Spiritual Being having a Physical experience.
The Lion Gate portal energy is supplying us with a way to easily shift from one way of being to another. The celestial energies upon us on our offering us a different point of view as will sense, feel and listen for this out of this world symbolic relationship guaranteed to change the way you see things. The nature of Source God exists and to it experience the wholeness of Source one needs to believe to see and know the glory. There is no reasoning needed, unconditional love is a walk of faith free of judgement. Venus in Cancer is communicating the compassion that is available for circulation in every moment; surrendering your believe system of how things should be allows the possibility for change to take place. Oneness exists and is available, shifting yourself to attune to it more harmonically take forgiveness, letting go and patience; time is a construct of the 3rd and 4th Dimension so you can take as long as you need. With the Grand Earth trine, heaven is gracing you with the ability to unite with your omni-Soul family and embody it now. Perspective is everything, if you believe you have a Soul how does it exist and speak to/through you?
All The Best