The creator of all that “let there be light” and without the energy of the light, physical life ceases to exist; the value and worth of Light energy is priceless. The Sun, as a result of internal processes, radiates electromagnetic light codes manifesting its domain; the Planets within the Solar System receive these EM light codes and partake an internal process of their own including Gaia. Our beloved Mother Earth receives the Light of God and abundantly produces diverse forms of life, she is our resource; the Human Body was created to function by and with energy, the Heart being primal. Our Soul essence is a part of the omni-ness that is Source, we incarnate into physical human form for a time to participate in the energetic perspective of being human. Our God given divine birthright is the freewill to choose the energetic perspective we serve; and part of that involvement is the Light energy of the Planets, Stars, Constellations. Light carries information that interacts depending on the frequency of space/environmental conditions. With the Solar Cycle 25 maximum just over 2 years away, this Astronomical New Year Spring Equinox of new or renewed birth/beginnings is a moment to serve the essence of how you naturally self exist by identifying with the potential available for you to become more of your divine Soul Self that is being highlighted through you to you by the light of Spirit/Source God.

During this Celestial new year, the Sun will begin its new cycle or revolution through Aries in opposition to Ceres retrograde at 0 degrees Libra, quincunx Haumea retrograde at 0 degrees Scorpio and semi-sextile Saturn at 1-degree of Pisces. The Super New Moon at 1 degrees of Pisces on Feb. 20th, 2023, was trine Haumea retrograde in Scorpio; as the Sun traveled through Pisces, we all fundamentally experienced the heightened energies Gaia is being bathed in. One month later at the Spring Equinox, the Sun is quincunx Haumea Rx; any spiritual awareness perceived or gained, now needs your high frequency willpower to generate the charge that will fuel the potential you need to get your desire moving. Ceres represents/serves Divine Feminine creation; through the seasons and cycles of nature this energy nurtures you to be self-reliant as you impress/sow and express/reap not only yourself but all you create. The frequency of the light you resonant and energetically identify with is the same light that will fuel the outcome or output that becomes the life you witness/experience/live. The Sun in opposition to Ceres in Libra is reverberating the frequency relationship, conscious or not, you have with the light; since energy follows the path of least resistance, Libra is the sign where you support your inner self with space so you can observe not react or judge the energies at play. Have a heart for Self and be open to realizing, reviewing and remembering the innate relationship you have with the Light of God; you gain wisdom by noticing the light communicating to you via repeating synchronicities, themes and patterns. Doing this while lovingly accepting the atmosphere you find yourself in allows you to create with authority, a heart centered space using discernment and boundaries to manifest well-being. Ceres is retrograde so any internal desire to change or restart something that you feel receptive and motivated to act on now will be highlighted in 6 months at the Fall Equinox when the Sun is at 0 degrees Libra; Saturn will traverse into Pisces and then retrograde back to 1-degree Pisces so by being self disciplined regarding the relationship you have with your Light-Hearted Self a priority now will help you in yielding the fruits of your labor sooner. Saturn is bringing to the surface all the lower frequencies that still oppress you and keep you feeling small or in a state of lower consciousness as well as a great preview of the capacity of your Soul; if you can dream/see yourself, being it, you can manifest it because it already exists as a part of the wholeness that your Soul is as one with the Source of all that is. The trine to Haumea Rx is attuning us to into going with the flow in dissolving the illusion of what keeps you attached to the trauma from the drama; as you become one with how your Soul naturally exists you return to being sovereign in your ability to create with the divine elemental forces of Source. Venus in Taurus trine Conscience in Capricorn is gracing us with practical self-care steps so we can capably take a more sensible approach as we begin or continue healing our vessel of light.

The essence of who you are is non-physical in nature. The Sun is naturally progressing along its journey around the Milky Way Galaxy and is broadcasting increased rays of chemical information thus elevating the Solar System at the quantum level. Mars at 27 degrees of Gemini in opposition to the Galactic Centre at 27 degrees of Sagittarius both being square to Neptune at 25 degrees Pisces. Neptune at the apex of that T-square is also part of a YOD being Sextile to Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn and Quincunx to Black Moon Lilith at 28 degrees of Leo which are part of another YOD with Mars. You as the avatar of your Soul are playing out the energies in motion but you are not them; ultimately it comes down to your course of action, the Light of God is given freely, and it is yours to uses freely. We experience the energy of what we consume and emit Mentally, Physically, Spiritually and Emotionally; the empowering nature of the light resides in the consciously interacting with the higher frequencies that organically enable us to internally see, feel, know how to exist and create beyond the 5 physical senses. By recognizing, listening and acting on the faith of your Higher Self you entitle your Self to the full gift and abilities of your Soul and since energy can’t be destroyed, Pluto is teaching us to be compassionate with yourselves as we rebuild from the inside out.
Carmen as the Light of my Soul
@Conscious Galactic