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Galactic Full Moon on December 18th 2021


The Full Moon in Gemini at 27° is opposite the Sun conjunct the Galactic Center and Hawaii at 27° Sagittarius in aspect to Sedna Rx in Taurus, Hygeia conjunct Haumea in Libra, Pluto conjunct Venus and Urania in Capricorn and Aura conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius.

The Galactic Center at 27° of Sagittarius, is at its core, a black hole; the source of energy that puts the Milky way Galaxy into spiraling motion. Space is vast, dark and cold; it is the Light of Source energy in motion traveling through that brightens, warms and enlightens you to the possibilities that can take form within that space. Energy can be anything, it is manifesting tool used by the Omniness of Source or Mind of God; quarks and atoms are the smallest block blocks with an ability to magnetize and materialize into infinite things without destroying the essence of what it is; energy in motion. All the celestials' bodies are in service to this divine source; as Humans made in the image of God, we are with every breath in every moment, teetered, accessing and integrating energetic light codes through us. The without reflects the within; symbolically the Galactic Center represents our High Heart to Heart portal. The Heart, a Gregorian knot, is the foundation of our being and is dimensional gateway that connects us to source; supplying and circulating all that is essential. Our internal resistance to physical change creates energetic blockages or karma which are then reflect to us via our environment without. All things cyclically flow into and out of the nothingness, the illusion is thinking or having the belief that anything is fixed or permanent.

The 27-29° degrees of every astrological sign holds the vibration of 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. Mastering these degrees of frequencies requires one to co-create with their Soul/Source essence as in an equal partner relationship; igniting the possibility for one and one to become the trinity despite the duality that presents. The key to this Masters initiation is in utilizing the heart centered wisdom gained within to express who you are or claim to be in that moment of duality.

Hygeia, Haumea, Hawaii, Venus, Urania and Sedna; Divine Goddesses that are not only galactically toeing the high frequency line, but they are also holding the space for us to open our individual heart so we may see, feel and know the Light of Source that flows through and as us. The energies at play here are expanding our awareness of who and how we innate exist as; with every experience; what and where we need to adjust our limiting habits, beliefs, judgements or ideals. Sometimes the healthiest and most compassionate thing we can do for our self is go within and allow ourselves the space to honor the depth of our feelings; our feelings are communicating the frequency of our being or energy in motion. With the Full Moon creating a Grand Air kite trine; what is surfacing for observation and dissolvement are the lower mental vibes that have been lingering in your headspace field, perhaps holding you back from being the you, you feel and know you can be. Thoughts become physical things and during this Full Moon we have an opportunity to recognize, nurture and birth forth with intentional focus new ways of embracing, activating committing to the thoughts and feelings we envision for ourselves and our life.

Love is the ultra frequency vibration, the omni energy that sparks the verb into partnership with/through any noun. The Omni feeling that anything can be; the magical ingredient is your consciousness, you must be willing to be an active part of it. It is true that absence makes the heart grow fonder, however, it is only through interaction that bond of love grows stronger. What you make of yourself is not for the purpose of proving it to others, it is to enjoy the creation process from infancy to maturity; welcoming the growth along the way by facing your fears and anchoring in the strength and wisdom gained. The relationship with your Soul self takes the commitment you would give any other; respect, honesty, communication, forgiveness to name a few. The brain thinks it knows what the heart wants, by listening to your heart, you feel and do what is right for you. Your heart is surrounded by water/liquid, which holds non-physical memory; surrender and trust the spirit song of your soul, it speaks volumes.

Haumea has been in Libra since 1994, she entered the 27° of Libra late 2019 and will spend 2022 teetering the 29° before going in Scorpio in 2023. Urania was conjunct Haumea as they entered Libra in 1994 and in late 2019, Urania was at 27° in Leo forming a sextile to Haumea. Urania moves much faster than Haumea, she has spent the last 2 years traversing 5 signs and will move quickly through Aquarius; creating a trine to Haumea in Dec 2022. Sedna is the slowest of the three; having fully arrived into Taurus in 1968. In 1994 she was at 13° and arrived at the 27° of Taurus in late 2019, Sedna will move into Gemini in 2024.

Pluto is at 25° Capricorn and will get to the 27-29° degree but for now Pluto is conjunct Venus; it is a phenomenal moment to self indulge in the things that bring you comfort and joy; without self guilt or judgment. Pluto represents/holds the vibration of the ability to transmute the way you perceive yourself from within thereby transform your physical reality without. As you purge the intense energetic Ego bondage of either needing to be in control or fearing to be the captain of your vessel allowing others to influence your choices; you empower yourself to regenerate/rebirth, renew from within and with a stronger bond from the essence of the creator. It is through the journey/cycle of “death” and resurrection that you free yourself, growing and gaining personal wisdom. Pluto in Capricorn aligned to the Full Moon Grand Air Trine with Sagittarius Kite is exposing into our awareness where we still have self defeating thought or thinking patterns as well as the a-ha moment where we resourcefully get an idea of the steps need to bring yourself back into balance. Sometimes the pressure we put on ourselves to fit in can make it seem like we are in a living hell; snapping or barking at others when we don’t mean to; fundamentally has nothing to do with them, it is the mind games we find ourselves got up in and justifying. Finding self worth and value can feel impossible when your seconding guess your every move; by expanding and establishing, listening, feeling for your sense of self patiently with compassion, reconciliation and gratitude; you acquire and embody the discipline to be true to your soul self no matter what. One of the many systems the human body has is the sensory system, which incorporates not only the 5 physicals senses but also the non-physicals senses associated with the Chakras. The Source of all that is scripted the universe to materialize in a certain way so that your Soul may compose and play with the energies at will; it is your free-will sovereign birthright to ride the waves singing the voice of your soul. All things flows into and out formation, it is the frequency that we put into it that dictates the outcome. May you be consciously mindful in your thoughts, wholly with your breath, heart-centered with your emotions and intuitively aware of your gut feelings.

All the Best


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