The February New Moon is conjunct asteroid Gaea at 12° and Saturn at 15° Aquarius, square to Uranus at 10° in Taurus. Venus now direct is conjunct Vesta and Hawaii in Capricorn Trine Orcus in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus, creating an opportunity to align and birth forth into physical manifestation a more authentic soul aligned version of yourself. The energies of these moments are allowing us the capacity to observe, recognize and detach ourselves from the fearful frequencies of the 3rd dimensional logical programming with greater resilience. Separation is an illusion, vibrationally we are all interconnected and creators of our reality; this new moon is a moment to feel where you have been allowing yourselves to be constricted or regimented into ideologies that have not served your highest well-being. We are being given an opportunity to redeem ourselves by intuitively re-examining how we are feeling and owning our I AM … essence, presence, statements and beliefs. Every soul that incarnated onto Gaia came so in divine service, as within so without; by being aware of how the frequency you associate with serves you, you will retrieve and integrate in divine order more aspects of your higher self. Self evaluate, self actualize, self adjust, self regulate rather than self doubt, self criticize, self impose. As you strive to invest in yourself with nonresistance and relocate your consciousness, unifying with your higher-self so that you may with authority broadcast high frequency tones, rhythms, words, the wisdom of your soul; you will receive expected and envisioned blessings on your path as a wayshower.

At the time of this New Moon, Uranus at 10° Taurus is in kite formation with a Grand Water Trine taking place between Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, Hygiea in Scorpio and Aura in Pisces. Energy exists and has the potential to form and perform in a myriad of ways. We embody a birthday suit; the body is a vessel which processes one form of energy into another form. Who we perceive ourselves to be in each moment, creates the cause that magnetizes the effect; to facilitate change in our life we must see, feel and understand why we claimed that frequency to begin with. Doing so equips us with the knowledge to make a more conscious choice thus attracting to us a more favorable outcome. The cosmic characters playing their role in orchestrating this kite are doing so for the purpose of aiding the Soul’s dimensional journey of self-consciousness. Water contains the influence and expression of the Fire, Earth and Air energies; therefore, we can feel or sense and experience the rawness, intensity of these energies in motion which in turn grants us expansive heightened sensitives so we may consciously perceive and receive more of who/how we innately exists as.
This kite is allowing an opportunity to enlighten yourself to the frequency of your heart’s soul desires as while as the frequency you operate out of in each moment. Embracing this awareness exposes you to your vulnerability, all that you have kept subconscious or hidden out of fear. By tuning in to this course work, facing each hurdle and dissolving the painful illusions of self disempowerment; you gain a deeper connection with the divine who have never left your side. We don’t just live on planet Earth, we co-exist and create with Gaia, Mother Nature in a symbiotic relationship. A picture is worth a thousand words, notice what speaks to you, through you, as you and how it makes you feel; following your heart centered intuition, slowly but surely, clear away the blockages while building love and harmony for self. From your Souls perspective holistic healing is not a one time only event, it is a process of seeking the balance within your auric field that will fulfill you without. Abundance like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, to unite with it you must be willing to take the practical steps, envisioning and aligning yourself with your true soul worth and value. Honor and express your feelings during this transition; each stumble provides information that raises your consciousness supporting the recoding, rebooting or rebirthing of you as a stronger more sustainable conduit of high frequency light source energy.

Energy is a tool created by Source so that a Soul, an Omni aspect of an Omni Source, can experience the diversity of consciousness as a creator being. Gaia, a Being holding space as a Planet, is set up in a way that Souls may incarnate and experience the 3D, 4D or 5th dimensional as their reality. The body is designed to receive and process light energy; we have free-will as to which frequency we are receptive to and operate from. Although situations may feel like they're being blown out of proportion, all is how it should be. Within the Age of Aquarius, the space from which fabric takes form has raised its vibrational frequency threshold thus the lower frequencies are rising to the surface so that they may be seen and consciously transmuted. We all have aspects of ourselves that are tethered to third dimensional low frequency constructs that we are in the mist of releasing whether we realize it or not. Identifying how and why you are triggered is how you courageously face your fears; the beliefs in and about your SELF is everything because thoughts become things. In a way playing, acting human is a game of confidence consciousness; those who believe with steadfast perseverance, dedication and determination of succeeding will do so and those with the belief that they don’t deserve the good life and must toil and fight for everything will do so too. The Soul is Omni, form is temporary, time is relative and the past and future are concepts; in this now moment your soul, through you, is healing victim consciousness from all lifetimes.
Frequency discernment is the key; the spectrum of polarity exists and first impressions count.
The Grand Fire trine with Varuna Rx at the apex is providing the space for us to be open and willing to recognize the feeling of how a conventional view or belief has kept us stagnate or heavy-hearted. In every moment allow the unconditional love for self to positively influence, self-empower, self sufficiently lead you towards capably manifesting all that you are divinely entitled to by birthright; notice your self-talk, rewire or rebirth your self. Mars conjunct Quaoar in Capricorn is helping us to vote for ourselves in the anchoring of fresh perspectives with an attitude of gratitude for all that we are and can become. The without or others reflects to you your consciousness, in every moment, your actions express your consciousness; any judgement of others is self-judgement. Jupiter is Pisces is magnifying and expanding the potency of your ability to effectively and efficiently create a stable heart-centered crystalline foundation built with, through, as you; a divine creator bring fully conscious to the temptations of the Ego while sovereignly taking the actions to embody the wholeness of your Soul Source.

On a soul level, we signed up for this; we knew we were journeying into the veiled thick limitations of the 3rd dimension; the mission, to boldly face the fearful energy that needs to be transmuted by choosing on blind faith the feelings of unconditional love for self. In our own way we are each shedding who we thought we were supposed to be and birthing forth version of ourselves that feels more aligned with what we feel and have envisioned for ourselves. To be the change you want to see, you must be willing to have a change of heart for yourself, unconditionally. In order to access and embody the wisdom of our higher-self we must endeavor to take a step back, letting go of all we think we are and exist as. Doing so allows us to embrace more of our true essence as sacred light beings; your soul is Omni and doesn’t need fixing. We are ascending our consciousness of self to the awareness that we have never been alone; life exists beyond what mankind has led us to believe and human beings are divinely self-sovereign. At our core, we each came with our own blueprint, specially designed DNA encoding that would aid us with our sojourn path which was set up for our spiritual growth.
Ceres is conjunct the North Node Rx and Sedna Rx in Taurus along with Haumea Rx in Libra, South Node Rx in Scorpio, Galactic Center in Sagittarius and Pluto conjunct Juno in Capricorn are guiding you to evaluate and nurture your connection, relationship, partnership to all that naturally stems from Gaia and the Source of all that is. Exposing what has been buried or laying dormant is a necessary component, for the illusion of lack within self must be consciously transmuted. The frequency we align with in each moment is the vibration that then proceeds to materialize within our environment; as we it face and liberate ourselves from the conditional programming we have been indoctrinated to believe, we begin to see the beauty, support, patterns and abundance the Kingdoms of heaven have been always surrounded us with. Navigating these times of change requires the space to observe, reflect and practice new ways of perceiving and being yourself; it is through the journey of self discovery that we gain greater strength, compassion and respect for who we really are and what we are capable of. From the micro to the macro systematic transformations are taking place; occurring within us, our atomic structure is recalibrating itself, so it can hold higher frequency light, as we claim and reverberate more genuine love for self. At the same time our internal systems, not just the physical ones like immune or circulatory, but energetic ones like our belief system are breakdown and disengaging from victim consciousness upon the realization that no one has the right to govern your Mind, Body and Soul. When do this on an individual basis, it will reflect without on a massive, collective scale.
All the Best