Being and expressing the essence of your true Soul-Self is not easy when you have been taught and conditioned to fit to someone else’s paradigm of what is acceptable and expected; to be honest in an ever-changing world, transforming yourself to become the happiness you have been seeking feels like the cure is worse than the disease. Having done the tango with my shadow self yet again, I AM grateful to my GOD-Self for never giving up on me; the journey is arduous, but the feeling is glorious. If you’re a half full kind of person, then you are feeling, sensing the alchemist within starting or continuing to take form; anchor yourself in Gaia and let the fruits of your labor bless you with miracles. If you a half empty kind of person then you maybe feeling lead or dragged into conversations, with Self and others, regarding topics, themes, beliefs that you have buried or put on the back burner in order to avoid dealing with it. Uprooting your sense of identity while having blind faith and trust in a higher power to support you takes an insane amount of courage and fortitude; elemental balance is crucial as you commit yourself to making promises and compromises.
The Full Moon in Libra at 26° is conjunct Haumea Rx in aspect to the Galactic center in Sagittarius, Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn and Juno in Aquarius, Mars in Pisces, Neptune conjunct Jupiter in Pisces, Pallas conjunct Eris and The Sun in Aries and Sedna in Taurus.
Perspective is key and during this Full Moon, there is an opportunity to shift how we perceive our reality. What is up for grabs is operating from a higher state of consciousness, the ability or gift of being able to see, feel and know more of how you interrelate and exist naturally as a part of the wholeness of Source. Jupiter abundantly expands every endeavor and in a new solar revolution with Neptune, the veil for those who believe, is becoming a no-thing. Neptune represents the part of us that is intuitively receptive to what is more than meets the eye and compassionately empathetic to the universal spirit that connects us all. Witnessing this celestially rare conjunction take place in Pisces is reverberating the expansive transcendence available to each of us as we are willing to claim our Divine sovereignty and dissolve any illusions to the contrary. Coming from that perspective motivates us to focus on the areas where we are self-sabotaging our sojourn by perpetually permitting the Ego to have its way. The frequency vibration of fear leaves us feeling lonely, frustrated, overwhelmed, confused and often debilitated; like the Chinese finger trap game the only way out of it, is to go with in and loosen our attachment to it.
The T-square taking place between the Moon in Libra and the Sun in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn is revealing to us where we still identify and are attached to performing out of victim consciousness as well as where we are being empowered to surrender to the unknown, dying to self so we may review, recharge, rebirth, reform as Higher-Self frequency version of ourselves that elementally prevails in the higher dimensions of this now moment. That is the very reason why we are on this away mission; from the soul perspective we all agreed to take on the embodiment lower frequency timelines for the purpose of transmuting the energy by focusing our free-will on claiming and manifesting the abundance of the higher timelines we are divine entitled too. Your holy birthright decrees that have everything you need within you; believing is seeing, hearing, feeling and knowing. The magnificence of how to magnetize the majestic magic of Source in this matrix of material form lies in mastering self. As you are willing to listen and follow the wisdom of your heart, you will gain clarity as to how you are more than just your body; your guides and soul family have always been with you each step of the way. Saturn is teaching us that discernment of the frequency force we partner with is massively vital while Mars is actively nurturing us too intentionally be in a state of oneness. Although it seems as if we interact outside of ourselves, we are part of the collective whole and the lessons we learn are for our own soul growth. The empowering feeling we experience having persevered or broken free of is invigorating and what inspires us to keep going.
Where do you need to observe and self-reflect on the frequency, you give the thoughts you communicate to yourselves and others. The Aries/Libra axis represents relationships; Aries is about the relationship with Soul or Ego Self while Libra is where the frequency you emit is mirrored back to you. Spirituality speaking the others in your life are playing a role, Libra acts out the Aries actions taken; we perceive or conceive a narrative of what we want from others. What is being offered is the potential to radiate with your soul tribe from a higher frequency of Source energy by shining a light on remaining un or subconscious patterns. Be willing to recognize that there are aspects of yourself in need of evaluation, we all have shadow parts that require healing, unconditional love for self is key. As you listen and give yourself the space to realign or refresh your perspective by being open to compassionate yet practical ways of being more lighthearted and in service to the truth of who you are; you innately begin that the atomic level a recalibration process which will nurture and gift you with the natural rhythm and flow of creation and negate all dis-ease. Being honest with yourself as you identify the root cause of what brings you pain is the first step towards ending the cycle of self-destructive patterns of behaviours and habits. Adopt an attitude of gratitude, appreciation and belief in yourself as you recognize an awaken to where you are reprograming the negative thoughts and expressing any supressed emotions.
The alignment of this moment is allowing for a major upgrades, new beginnings and increased spiritual gifting as you allow yourself to be wholistically healed on the energetic level and productively communicate who you claim to be. We all use the same fuel, energy; the universe is guiding us to use it authentically from the heart. Tuning into our heart space we can feel, sense and intuitively know that we are not alone; Venus in Pisces is broadcasting the infinite cosmic support we have and urges us to live with unconditional self-love and compassion for all.
All the Best
