In numerology the number 1 represents self reliance, will-power, initiation, leadership, independence, new beginnings and the uniqueness with which your creation is brought to life. 11 is a Master number resonating with spiritual enlightment and the purpose of your sojourn. 1111 is a an empowering portal energy, motivating us to emerge and express our divine sovereignty as Light Beings experiencing a physical reality.
Remember word meaning
“Re” means back or again, repetition
“Mem” is the Phoenician-script letter and 13th Hebrew-script letter both meaning water.
The Latin "ber" translates “to per” meaning “according to, by means of or with respect to”. -ber also gives the meaning "bearing, having, full of“.
Remember is a compound word. To me it means water is the median for the spectrum of elemental energy, reverberating light encodement's as communication messages; a sensory Akashic records. Since they are consistently in flow, we have free-will in which frequency waves we ride; we can always go back, repeating the feelings of the energy in motion. Water doesn’t hold memory it is memory. Mem means water and –ory means “of or pertaining to, serving for”. Let your memory serve you in remembering or reminding who you are as a Light Being. Envision what would make you happy and enjoy bringing it into form.

There is no mistake the Sun goes through Scorpio during the 11th month of the year.
Power - Being in a state to have the capacity and ability to 1. act or produce an effect 2. be acted upon, undergoing an effect.
Empower - to give power to
Willpower - the ability to control one's own actions, emotions, or urges
Free-will - voluntary choice or decision
Energy cannot be destroyed, it can however transmute itself into being something else; to change oneself takes power, will-power. Scorpio is the port where one has access to primal potential; giving those who empower themselves with their free-will, the ability to metamorphoses into who they desire to become.
Hebrews 11:3 "By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible."
At 11:11am on November 11th, 2021; the Sun in Scorpio and Black Moon Lilith in Taurus are both in T-square aspect with the Anti-Vertex, First-Quarter Moon and Jupiter in Aquarius, and the Vertex in Leo. This celestial arrangement is deviating us from what has been to what can be; the Moon is encouraging us to objectively take a deeper retrospection regarding the frequency of the energy we use to create our reality construct. Matter takes up space and in the Age of Aquarius, the divine raw potential BML innately exists as while in Taurus; is materializing our thought-forms vibrations at a faster rate. The grand square taking place may have you feeling like your life is a giant Chinese finger trap, if so; your environment is emphasizing to you the importance of going within to find balance. A shift of perspective towards acting on something that delights you will refresh your Self worth, confidence and identity. Water is a molecule, the expression of its elemental constituents. Air holds the space for the particles, heat puts them into motion and earth gives them mass; water by nature is a free market commodity. Put stock into yourself, consciously hold the space to be mindful of the frequency you are actively being in all moments; your frequency vibration manifests the path you walk, remind and resurrect your consciousness with each breath. Meditation practices generally help your beingness, as you breath in and hold, focusing on the high light frequencies available; your cardiac cycle repeats, with each beat, the fluid goes deep into the core of your atomic cells; recycling and rejuvenating as it circulates the divine instructions that will be carried out in cellularly formation, systematically. The Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces is dissolving any resistance while nurturing your heighten sensitivities.
1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."

Everything is energy, this includes the nature of the universe to the bio-diversity Gaia creates as well as anything man made. The bedrock of stability and well-being is in the frequency intention to what is being manifested or brought into form. During the 11:11 portal, the energy available is granting us the ability to forge new pathways in consciousness; as you're willing to dispose of the dense 3rd dimensional patterns or habits that are stockpiled in the membranes your biosphere. The Earth signs receive their programing code from the electric fire signs; Urania and Uranus in the Earth signs can ignite and support you as restructure, restore yourself to the sovereign light Being you were designed to be. Uranus Rx in Taurus is breaking us free from the old school “I think, there fore I am” paradigms while imprinting us with tangible common-sense approaches that will seed and produce our heart-centered desired outcomes. Urania in Capricorn is like having eyes in the temporal sky. She knows why your Soul incarnated and where you're going; her energy can capably guide you, via prophetic intuition, towards the material abundance you seek.

The apex of this Boomerang Yod is Sedna Rx in Taurus Quincunx to both Juno conjunct the Galactic Center in Sagittarius and Haumea in Libra while being in opposition to Vesta in Scorpio. The way out of strife is to go within and pursue peaceful stillness within your heart space; from there you give yourself the space to birth forth divine partnerships. Vesta is the Goddess of the Hearth and keeper of the 3-Fold Flame; Divine Will-Power, Wisdom and Unconditional Love. These are your birthrights; you have free will in recognizing your unquantifiable self from the distractions without. The relationship you have with source is an eternal reservoir as vast as the cosmos and as deep as an abyss; the transmission channels are consistently streaming love and guidance. Surrender all you think or believe you know and be preceptive and receptive to all you resonate with. Shedding 3rd dimensional fear concepts, you identify within yourself (without judgement), intensives and fortifies your innate sensitives to the subtle energies of your Galactic Soul family.

Whether you are conscious or it or not, thy will is always being done. The most vital tools we have are non-physical in nature; Elemental forces, unconditional Love, Spirit, Consciousness, Free-will, will-power etc. Energy is an architectural tool used by omni source to experience the magnificent creations that the material realm flourishes as. Polarity exists, finding balance is essential; inner peace is being in an equilibrium state with your Mind, Body and Soul. This 11:11 portal is holding an enormous am amount of potentiality and within the Age of Aquarius this means miracles. There are two T-squares occurring, the first is Chiron Rx in masculine Aires opposite Makemake in masculine Libra both square Hermes in Feminine Capricorn. The second is Conscience in Feminine Virgo opposite Pallas in Feminine Pisces both square Ceres Rx in Masculine Gemini; all interplaying at the 8-9° in resonance with Mars conjunct Mercury in Scorpio. We are being reminded that everything from the micro to the macro within our universe speaks to us; through us as us, if we allow with conscious intention, command, decree, claim it to be so. How, When, Why, Where, Who our personal orchestra is solely unique to us as individuals; we all impress and express, generating a process. These energies are empowering you to activate yourself in declaring what makes you sovereign; transmuting all that no longer serves the mastery that is your beingness is; through the healing, you become whole.
Deuteronomy 30:14 " the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it."
All the Best
@Conscous Galactic
What a great read, thank you for sharing this!