We are all healing aspects of ourselves; remembering who we energetically are and what we are capable of. The New Moon at 12° degrees of Scorpio is thrusting us out of the ashes so we may stand in our divinity and empower ourselves to become the sovereign Light Beings we were born to be. °

The New Moon in Scorpio is in opposition to Uranus Rx in Taurus, Sextile Orcus in Virgo and Semi-Sextile Hawaii in Sagittarius.
Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters, for either they will hate the one and love the other, or they will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”
1 Corinthians 10:21 “You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons.”
Both verses are stating the same truth; polarity exists, you have free-will in each table you bring your master self to. Where Hawaii is now was once the continent of Lemuria where the Mu knew this planet was a Divine being and lived in elemental harmony with her. This New Moon aspect pattern is awakening us to the potential of all that we can become; providing us with opportunities to shift our perspective and liberate ourselves out of the depths of despair that third dimensional victim consciousness has shackled us to. Notice where you see, feel or know the Ego frequencies playing mind games with you, exerting its force, submerging you in darkness; letting your power be given away. Perceive it for what it is and then release it without attaching yourself, don't claim or identify with it, thanks but no thanks. Water is the expression of combustion; Fire/Air and Earth; its empowering nature is to innately be receptive, interactive and expressive. Attune to the higher frequencies of your Ancestors, Soul, Guides, Galactic light beings or Source; proclaim your divine worth and value. Realize the high frequency of the master within; the connection to your authentic self has always been there, forgive yourself and begin anew. These energies are allowing an unconditional resurrection, all that you need is within you; you are an Eternal Divine Being experiencing the ascension of your consciousness in service to Gaia.

At the apex of this boomerang is Black Moon Lilith conjunct the North Node Rx in Gemini, quincunx Atlantis in Scorpio and Gaea in Capricorn; both are Semi-Sextile the South Node Rx in Sagittarius. Nonphysical in nature Lilith powerfully represents the innate, independent and magnetic divine feminine energy available as a reservoir from which you can freely, intuitively and instinctively use to manifest your desires. Since the days of Atlantis, some of us have incarnated time and time again, taking on the shadow work; transmuting the density while grounding and holding and the light grid in place so that Gaia could weather the third dimensional storm. In the age of Aquarius, we have the capacity to seek peace within, creating a space to be in the intense flow of pure source energy. Gaia is Mother Earth; she creates diverse kingdoms with the help of the nature elementals. Crystals, Animals, Forests, Inner beings, Mediumship; through energy of her atmosphere and biosphere we are connected; as family, there is a resonance and ability to communicate or channel. It lies within it's always been there; you came prepared, how you receive and convey the relationship is extraordinary for you. Your soul empowers you; the divine essence that flows through you, ignites you into full higher dimensional beingness. There are more than a million masters on incarnated on Gaia right now, drop the old baggage and claim a shiny new ticket; one breath at a time.

Ceres the goddess of agriculture in the second house of Gemini is teaching us that what we think about is what is brought into form; is it the frequency of the Ego or Soul? By having awareness of the frequency creating the triggering thought forms there is the opportunity to bring about healing to yourself and your relationships. Grounding into Gaia can practically anchor us from our Heart Chakra, reformatting our thought patterns, becoming conscious/receptive to the diversity available with our biosphere that is teaching/showing us how to sense the signs that are all around us. The potential exists to motivate us into releasing all that no longer serves the relationship we have with our Soul before it physically manifests. All the Ego scripting that leads to trauma from the drama must be extinguished for you to thrive in the Age of Aquarius. Urania, the Divine Goddess of the Heavens in the 9th House of Capricorn is providing the informative Higher Frequency Universal love and wisdom as intuitive prophetic sensations that we feel, see and know at our core will aid us in birthing forth the manifestations we desire to experience through us as us. We have free-will in the perspective we align with, it is our Divine birthright to be said embodiment; thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven. Withdraw into the space of the zero-point stillness; getting out of your headspace, find solace within your heart-space. Listen to the communication of your soul relatives, prescribe to the guidance you receive through the heart; feel free to set your heart-felt intentions, allow them to reverberate and magnetize to you the higher timelines of prosperity and abundance. In all moments, source and all that is; is communicating to you as signs, coincidences, synchronicities. Energy follows the path of least resistance; your higher self, guides, loved ones from beyond the veil will always present themselves in a way which you are comfortable perceiving, perceptive/receptive to. Your soul incarnate to experience the polarity, heal any false identities and proclaim their divine relationship with Self, thereby transmuting the lower frequencies for the collective and Gaia.

The ascendant of this new moon at 24 degrees is conjunct Eris Rx in Aries, Quincunx Vesta in Scorpio, Trine Union in Sagittarius, Square Pluto in Capricorn, Sextile Jupiter conjunct DNA in Aquarius and Semi-Sextile Neptune Rx conjunct Sumeria Rx in Pisces. Eris and Vesta are two sides of the same coins; both are Semi-Sextile, Sextile, Square and Trine to the six other celestial bodies while being quincunx to each other. This is a portal moment to spiral forward at light speed, bypassing the need for it to be worked out in the material realm; instead, fully surrendering your will to a higher power and permitting that to be your I AM. It is not a sacrifice; it is a choice; we are offered an opportunity to stand in our divinity and empower ourselves to become the sovereign Light beings we were born to be.
In order to fully liberate ourselves of the bondage that ties us to the lower third dimensional fearful frequencies of separation, control, illusion; we must see and understand where we are being triggered, what needs to be broken down and released from the micro to the macro within. In the Material Realm, to be the embodiment of our Higher-Self/Soul, which is a Divine aspect of Source; our vessel must be equipped to handle and reverberate the higher frequencies of Light. There is a purging taking place at the core of who we each think we are; the residue masquerading as tradition must be cleansed. DNA innately knows how to reprogram itself based on the frequency light encodement's being received and expressed; embrace what comes to you, on a diverse planet it makes you unique.
Be in the state of Union with the higher frequencies coming forth to inspire or spark you with insights that will always educate you towards the next best thing for you to experience or strive for. The signs of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, are the Mastery signs; in order to ascend, we must elevate ourselves and that means holding yourself in a space, detached and listening, ready, willing and able to consciously be a Sovereign Light Being in each now moment. Energy can not be destroyed and so all that our soul is divinely entitled to has been waiting for us to claim it. Vesta is the Goddess of the Hearth and Keeper of the 3-Fold flame, in Scorpio, she is discharging all that needs to go; without judgement or blame, forgiving those trespasses against us. Love is an unconditional empowering force of Source, seek beyond the veil, it is an Omni presence; a shift in perspective in how your identity and quantitative life is required.

There is a Yod or Finger of God aspect taking place between Sedna Rx in Taurus, Mercury conjunct Haumea in Libra and Venus conjunct Juno, the Galactic Center and Ixion in Sagittarius. In every moment, our actions dictate our state of consciousness; for those who hold the intention to be of the light and serve a higher purpose, now is the moment to productively expand or recalibrate our consciousness and birth forth more of our higher-self. As the veil is thinning, the light language communication available to those that are committed to the divine liaison, is more tangible thanks to the formation of these celestial bodies. Goddess of the sea, Mother of the deep, Sedna’s Cosmic knowledge grants us the perspective on where we are conforming to the traditions or authority around us rather than being empathetic to the ancient wisdom of creative abundance and nourishment that our Spirit has access to. Let it flow through you in whichever way you desire it, you can dance, sing, write, draw etc., the form matters not; it is the intention to let your soul song express it's worth and value in whichever way it wishes to be. That is how the 5th dimension will create heaven on Earth.
All the Best